
ProvenRun selected as Security Technology Partner of the EPI Project

ProvenRun selected as Security Technology Partner of the EPI Project ProvenRun has been selected as a security technology partner of the EPI project.  ProvenRun joins as a partner the European Processor Initiative (EPI), a major European initiative whose objective is to design a new family of low-power processors for extreme

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ProvenRun announces strategic partnership with Kalray to secure manycore architectures

ProvenRun announces strategic partnership with Kalray to secure manycore architectures ProvenRun, a leader in embedded security, announces a strategic partnership with Kalray (Euronext Growth Paris: ALKAL), a pioneer in processors for intelligent systems, to bring more security on Kalray’s manycores MPPA™ architectures. This partnership aims to meet the growing security needs of

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ProvenRun Closely Associated to ARM’s PSA Certified Initiative

ProvenRun Closely Associated to ARM’s PSA Certified Initiative To support the widespread deployment of secure IoT solutions based on the Platform Security Architecture (PSA) framework, ARM and lead test laboratories have unveiled PSA Certified, an independent security certification scheme for IoT devices. ProvenRun is proud to be part of this initiative

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ProvenRun selected as a Security Technology Partner of ES3CAP Project

ProvenRun selected as a Security Technology Partner of ES3CAP Project ProvenRun has been selected as the security technology partner of the Kalray’s ES3CAP project. The main objective of the ES3CAP project is to build around Kalray’s MPPA® (“Massively Parallel Processor Array”) hardware platform an environment for critical applications that require

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ProveRun demonstrates ProvenCore-M on STMicroelectronics’ new Ultra-Low-Power MCU STM32L5

How is embedded security unique? At ARMTechCon in San Jose, California, ProvenRun demonstrated how ProvenCore-M, its secure RTOS, can leverage the TrustZone hardware security features of the STM32L5, STMicroelectronics’ new Ultra-Low-Power MCU series, to help protect power-conscious connected devices from remote cyberattacks. More details about the STM32L5 series are available in the full press release.

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ProvenCore secures ARCHOS’ hardware wallet for crypto-assets

ProvenCore secures ARCHOS’ hardware wallet for crypto-assets ARCHOS today announces the launch in January 2019 of the Safe-T Touch, the first secure hardware wallet with a touch screen, featuring an Android interface and an integrated services platform, for those who already hold crypto-currencies or who wish to open an account

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